Sundews - Not as delicious as they look…
/When I first discovered Sundews (Drosera sp.) I thought they were pretty little plants, glistening in the morning sunlight, heavy with dew. Later in the day, after it had warned up, I noticed they still had their wet “dew” so I figured it must be sweet nectar and swooped in for a lick.
Yuck! Not nectar! Eventually I learnt that Sundews are carnivores whose leaves are adorned with tentacles coated with a secretion that lures, traps and digests insects. Fooled me too!
The name Drosera comes from the latin word “droseros” meaning “dewy” and at Finches Gully we have a few different species.
Scented Sundew (Drosera aberrans) grows low to the ground with green leaves that turn red with age. In comparison to the leaf size, their white flower is quite large, forming patches of stunning red and white carpet in winter and spring.
Pale Sundew (Drosera hookeri) and Tall Sundew (Drosera auriculata) both produce pale pink or white flowers and look quite similar when not flowering so I’m having trouble telling the difference between them (if anyone knows please feel free to help!).
After zooming in on my photos I noticed that there is an insect trapped in one of the leaves, gruesome!
Here is a cool video of Droseras in action at dinner time...